Disaster Readiness for others

Simple and convenient steps you can take to protect parents and children living on their own, but who can't or wont prepare for themselves. This is especially important if they have limitations.
Updated 09feb24

Power outages, fires, floods, earthquakes, wind, and storms can interrupt utilities, phones, stores, ATMs, and travel. They can be forced to leave their home because of flooding, sewage backflow, fire, chemical accident, or terrorist threat. This is an inexpensive common sense preparation document.

The large disaster relief organizations can provide basic relief for a lot of people, but need a few days to get set up. It would be good if your loved ones could handle problems on their own for 3 days to a week. Assume that no medications or supplies will be available.

Don't buy any survival kits or anything you are not familiar with. After the power goes out is not the time to try something out. Don't waste your money buying "special survival food". It will probably get old before its needed.

This is not a complete guide to preparation; it is only to give you a starting place. Experience, training and special equipment provide better preparation. And nothing is better than common sense (which doesn't seem to be very common).

Copyright 2005-2024 Ken Young (http://www.DinoDudes.com). All rights reserved.
This document may be freely redistributed for educational purposes at no charge in unaltered form.
This information is for educational purposes only. There is no guarantee of any kind that it is accurate, or that no harm will come to anyone who uses it.
This information is provided on an "as is" basis with absolutely no warranty or guarantee. The information is not necessarily correct, complete, or suitable for any particular use. The entire risk is with you. Should harm arise from using this information, you assume responsibility for all damages and injuries. In no event shall the copyright holder, or any other party, be liable for compensation or damages arising from the use, misuse, failure to use, or inability to use this information.

Click here for detailed preparations Click here for the short version Click here if you live
with your parents

Why most planning is simple

Most people do the wrong thing when confronted with a disaster. This is their first time in the situation, they aren't ready for it, and they need to decide what to do under stress. Most often, they choose incorrectly, compounding the problem.
Making simple plans and preparations that can be used for any disaster, large or small improves your situation a great deal.

Preparations for others

Preparation for them

Preparation for their home

Other preparation

Your loved one's preparation needs will differ. Go over this list once a year to make sure they are still prepared.

See also

More details
Home emergency kits
For kids Zip kits
Preparing at work 72-hour kits
Preparing your car During & afterwards
Spiritual disaster readiness
Scarves <coming soon>
House Fire Prevention

This information was downloaded from http://www.FamilyReady.org