Spiritual Disaster Readiness

Last updated 10nov17

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Are you prepared for all of the catastrophes that can happen to you in our increasingly dangerous world? An old saying we used to have in the Army was, "Prepare for the worst and hope for the best!" That is still a good rule of thumb for all of us! Which brings me to matters of the spirit.

The other day I told my wife we should increase our life insurance for me because I work part time and I have to commute on the freeway. What was the reason for that? Well, it so happens that I have increased my risk of death by the nature of my commute. I am exposed to more danger now. I can vouch for that with the occurrence of a wreck I recently had coming home from work. Our world is getting to be a place of higher and higher risk of death just living on this troubled earth. Now even our military recruiters don't know if they are coming home alive each day. You don't know if you are coming home alive from the movies. You can no longer be sure you are coming home from college classes alive or even come home alive from our public schools each day! Our risk of death is increasing by the hour.

Are you prepared to meet your maker? If you are, then you have the blessing of serving Jesus Christ! He and only He can give you the security of eternal life. We are only pilgrims on this earth and we are just passing through. God sent His Son to call all mankind to repentance, accepting His Son Jesus Christ as the God of God and the way to the way, the truth, and the life of God. Come to know that you have security as never before in an uncertain world! If you wish to know more, please contact the administrator of this web site.

Now you can step out the door each day and know that you are truly safe and secure no matter what happens. God bless you richly.

Pastor David Prado

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

Over 40 years I was being worried about my job, health, relationship with my wife and friends, and future of my kids. Make it worse, I wasn’t sure what is the right way, who is telling the truth, and what should I do if something happens.
Now, I have peace with Jesus who took my burden -
“For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:30)

Evangelist Jae Yoo

Remember, when the rich young ruler asked Jesus about eternal life ... Jesus gave him an offering message!  See Mark 10:17–31. In Mathew 6:19-21 Jesus tells us to not count on our treasures on earth but to lay up treasures in heaven.  So how do you lay up treasures in heaven?  By living a full life in the spirit of the first commandment. Mathew 22:36–40.  This is a life sold out to Jesus!!
A person sold out to Jesus will be a life of love because as you fellowship with Him in Spirit and Truth and in the Word you will totally transform and become a lover or giver.   In 2 Corinthians 9:6–10 the Bible says that “God loves a cheerful giver and God is able to make all grace abound you and that you will have all sufficiency in all things and you will abound to every good work.” It’s the same principle as the 3 Hebrew Children in Dan 3:17 when they told old King Nebuchadnezzar that even if he threw them into the burning fiery furnace “our God is able” to deliver us.  They were confident of that because of the life of faith that they lived.
So, God is able in our lives when we live a life devoted to God, praying, fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit and believers, doing our part to advance the Kingdom, and helping others.  We must be “cheerful givers” for God to activate “all grace abounding to you.”  As we live this way we will then have treasures laid up in our heavenly account that will be there to supply what we need in any crisis or rainy day.  That’s God’s supernatural economy!

Henry Falany

See also

Disaster Readiness Zip kits
Home emergency kits  Where to buy stuff

This information was downloaded from http://www.FamilyReady.org