What if I have to evacuate?

Simple and convenient preparations
Updated 29feb20
Power outages, fires, floods, earthquakes, wind, and storms can interrupt utilities, phones, stores, ATMs, and travel. You can be forced to leave your home because of flooding, sewage backflow, fire, chemical accident, or terrorist threat. These things occur when you are least prepared. This is an inexpensive common sense preparation document.
The large disaster relief organizations can provide basic relief for a lot of people, but need a few days to get set up. Wise people are prepared to handle problems on their own for a week.
Don't buy any survival kits or anything you are not familiar with. After the power goes out is not the time to try something out. Don't waste your money buying "special survival food". It will probably get old before you need it.
This is not a complete guide to preparation; it is only to give you a starting place. Experience, training and special equipment provides better preparation. And nothing is better than common sense (which doesn't seem to be very common).
Copyright 2005-2020 Ken Young (http://www.DinoDudes.com). All rights reserved.
This document may be freely redistributed for educational purposes at no charge in unaltered form.
This information is for educational purposes only. There is no guarantee of any kind that it is accurate, or that no harm will come to anyone who uses it.
This information is provided on an "as is" basis with absolutely no warranty or guarantee. The information is not necessarily correct, complete, or suitable for any particular use. The entire risk is with you. Should harm arise from using this information, you assume responsibility for all damages and injuries. In no event shall the copyright holder, or any other party, be liable for compensation or damages arising from the use, misuse, failure to use, or inability to use this information.


Prepare to evacuate

Living ready


On the way out


Things to put on your quick-exit list

This suggested quick-exit list is sorted with the most important items on top in case you run out of time, and assumes you are leaving in a car. Group items on the list according to where they are to make them easier to round up. Do not bring stuff not on the list, unless you are sure the house will be destroyed. The two big mistakes are to bring too much stuff and to take too long getting out.
Make a note at the bottom of the list: Turn off the electricity (and possibly the gas) if you expect flooding. Floodwater can short out wiring and burn your house down to the waterline.
Assume that if you have to evacuate because of the danger of fire, flood, or storm that your neighbors will too. Assume you are evacuating to a place with food, shelter, and medical care, but you may have to go without for a day or so.
The traffic getting out will be stop & go. The people who take too long to get ready will be stuck in it the longest. If not getting out in time is a possibility, these are the ones who won't make it.

While away

Upon Return

See also

Disaster readiness What to do during & after
Getting the car ready 72-hour kits
Zip kits

This information was downloaded from http://www.FamilyReady.org